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Cooking Oil
Vegetable Oils
Vegetable Oil |
Nicholas Zhou (Author of "Real
& Healthy Chinese Cooking")
recommends you buy vegetable oil from the following source.
Wesson, White Rose, Crisco,
ShopRite, Goya and Lou Ana are some good vegetable oil brands.
Buy Vegetable Oil |

Chili Oils
Chili Oil |
Chili Oil makes an excellent
accompaniment to noodles and dumpling dishes, and is the secret ingredient in
many popular Szechuan dishes.
Nicholas Zhou (Author of "Real
& Healthy Chinese Cooking")
recommends you buy chili oil from the following source. Lee Kum Kee, Ka-Me,
S&B, Dynasty, House Of Tsang, Yang Sing and Sun Luck are some good chili oil
Buy Chili Oil |

Peanut Oils
Peanut Oil
Nicholas Zhou (Author of "Real
& Healthy Chinese Cooking")
recommends you buy peanut oil from the
following resource. Lou Ana, Planters and Lion Globe are some good peanut oil
Buy Peanut Oil

Sesame Oils
Sesame Oil is expressed from sesame
seed and comes in two basic types. One is light in color and flavor and has a
deliciously nutty nuance. It's excellent for everything from salad dressings to
sautéing. The darker, Asian sesame oil has a much stronger flavor and fragrance
and is used as a flavor accent for some Asian dishes.
Its average smoke point is 420 degrees F, making it excellent for frying.
Cooking with sesame oil in place of other edible oils appears to help reduce
high blood pressure and lower the amount of medication needed to control
hypertension according to
American Heart Association website.
Nicholas Zhou (Author of "Real
& Healthy Chinese Cooking")
recommends you buy sesame oil from the following source.
Buy Sesame Oil

Stir Fry Oils
Stir Fry Oil is the perfect
cooking oil for busy cooks. It's usually made from soybean oil, ginger, garlic
and sesame oil, which are all essential flavors of Asian cuisine. You can use
it liberally in stir-fries.
Nicholas Zhou (Author of "Real
& Healthy Chinese Cooking")
recommends you buy stir-fry oil from the following source.
Buy Stir Fry Oil |

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